Creating the perfect Facebook post

Posting on Facebook seems so easy - and it is, but making the most of your post takes a little planning and thought. Not to worry, here is what you need to know:

  1. Keep your posts positive. Even sharing something like having to cancel an event or a product selling out, add an element of optimism. 
  2. Give your audience something to chew on. By posting information or news gives fans a reason to follow you.
  3. Posts that have links get more engagement than those that don't. Include a link and be sure to find a way to track your clicks.
  4. Post pictures that fit. That means pictures that compliment what you are posting about and that measure 800x600 to fit nicely on your Facebook page.
  5. 70% of Facebook users are mobile users. Appeal to their habits and post mobile-friendly posts. This means correctly sized pictures and easy to read posts.
  6. Remember the 70-20-10 rule? Engage with your audience and post things that would make them want to comment or like.
  7. After you post, listen. Part of promoting your business online is about listening to people who are talking about your brand. Be ready to join the conversation. 

Thank you, Social Media Today, for the information. 

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